Day 331: Reading Schedule: 1 Corinthians15-16 1 Corinthians 15: Saints Who Possess Resurrection [Overview] This chapter is where Paul's meticulous logic and organizational skills are fully demonstrated by developing and proving the doctrine of resurrection. In the Old Testament era, the Israelites believed that people would go to Hades when they died, so they were skeptical about the resurrection of the body. In particular, the Sadducees, a Jewish sect, denied both the immortality of the soul and the resurrection of the body. The Greeks believed in the immortality of the soul, but did not believe in the resurrection of the body. Therefore, for them, eternal life meant shedding the body and returning to the state of the soul. The church in Corinth, which was greatly influenced by Judaism and Greek culture, began to have people who denied the resurrection of the body. In this regard, Paul teaches about the true meaning of resurrection and faith, pointing out that denying the resurrection of the flesh is denying the resurrection of Jesus, and consequently, it is denying the truth of the gospel and the foundation of faith. This chapter is composed of the resurrection of Christ (verses 1-11), the resurrection of the saints (verses 12-19), Christ as the guarantor of the resurrection (verses 20-28), the faith of the resurrection (verses 29-34), the state of the resurrected body (verses 35-49), and the victory of the resurrection (verses 50-58).
1 Corinthians 16: Paul's concluding request to the church [Overview] This chapter is the concluding part of this book, and consists of the actual church administration, the Corinthian believers' annual report for the Jerusalem church, several requests, and greetings. This chapter especially shows Paul’s religious attitude of practicing love for a concrete life, not just abstract words or thoughts, and the brotherly concern and offerings of other churches for the church in Jerusalem provide many lessons to today’s churches that are caught up in extreme selfishness and church-centeredness. Through the collection of offerings, Paul wanted to give the Corinthians an opportunity to practice love and virtue toward their neighbors. And it was to encourage the unity of the church in Corinth. In other words, through the offerings, Paul wanted to make the Corinthians realize that they are all brothers in Christ, regardless of their race or place of residence, and that they have a responsibility to care for and help each other. This chapter consists of the offerings for the church in Jerusalem (verses 1-4), Paul’s plan for the church in Corinth (verses 5-12), and his final request and farewell (verses 13-24).