Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible Reading

제목Day 264: Daniel 10-122024-09-21 12:42
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Day 264 Reading Schedule: Daniel 10-12

Daniel 10: Vision of a Great War


The prophecy in this chapter is mainly about the future of the Persian Empire, but it can be understood as ultimately speaking of the eschatological history of this world. Daniel first sees a vision of the Son of Man, who is dressed in linen and has a gold belt around his waist, whose body and face shine, and who utters a sound like thunder (verses 1-7). Daniel, who had seen the vision of the Son of Man, was weak, but he regained strength through the words of the Son of Man. The Son of Man tells Daniel that he had been blocked by the Persian army, but that he had come to tell him what would happen to the people of Israel in the last days (verses 8-14). When Daniel was exhausted, he was raised up by the help of the Son of Man, and the Son of Man said that the Persian Empire would be invaded by the Greek Empire (verses 15-21).  All of these things are recorded in the book of truth, that is, according to God's predestination, and above all, they contain the meaning of showing God's judgment and salvation to all mankind.

Daniel 11: Contents of the Recorded Secrets


This chapter deals with the rise and fall of various nations surrounding Israel, and it clearly proves that although the great powers that exist in the world seem to be influenced by one hero, they depend more than anything on God's strong intervention. What is important is that these nations are closely related to the Jewish people, the chosen people of God. This chapter first speaks of the power of the Hellenic Empire, which destroyed the Persian Empire succeeded the Median Empire, and united all the nations of the Middle East, and it prophesies that the nations will be divided when the Hellenic Empire becomes strong (verses 1-4). The descriptions of the various nations that follow contain eschatological meanings, and they describe the stark conflict between the southern king who exercises his rule centered on Egypt, and the northern king, or Syria (verses 5-19).  Among the kings of the North, a lowly one will inherit the throne and attack the king of the South with his schemes (vv. 20-27). The king with excellent schemes will show his pride by going against the holy covenant and opposing the power of God according to his own will (vv. 28-39). However, in the last days, the lowly king with excellent schemes will be destroyed by the king of the South and the king of the North (vv. 40-45). 

Daniel 12: Prophecy about the End Times


Following the previous chapter that recorded the final judgment that will come upon the Gentile nations except for Israel, this chapter shows the glorious victory of the eternal kingdom of God that will finally come to this earth through the judgment of Israel and the Gentiles. When God defeats all evil and establishes His kingdom, the final judgment will be carried out on all mankind who have existed until now. However, such judgment will appear in two forms. It will be salvation for God's people who have kept the faith, and a judgment of destruction for those who have lived in sin.  On that day, those who fear the Lord and gain wisdom will be like the light, and those who lead people to God will be like the stars (vv. 1-4). And in the concluding part of this book, God answers through Daniel when the end that all the people are waiting for will come. God hides the exact time using the expression “a time, times, and half a time” (vv. 5-8). However, in the end, God tells Daniel to hold on to God’s word to the end, purify himself, and wait for that day with patience. He concludes by promising that those who endure to the end will enjoy eternal peace (vv. 9-13). Through this conclusion, this chapter shows that the most important thing in a relationship with God is to believe in and follow the word and live a life of keeping oneself holy.

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