Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible Reading

제목Day 265: Ezra 1-22024-09-21 12:44
작성자user icon Level 10

Day 265 Reading Schedule: Ezra 1-2

Ezra 1: The Decree of Cyrus King of Persia


Because the Lord God moved the heart of Cyrus King of Persia, he not only allowed the captive Jewish people to return to their homeland but also allowed them to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem (verses 1-4). Thus, some zealous people from the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, the Levites, and other tribes were able to return to Jerusalem with many treasures, livestock, and plundered temple articles (verses 5-11).

Ezra 2: List of Returned Captives


This chapter introduces the list of the first returnees from captivity.  The names of the leaders (vv. 1-2), the family tree count of the returnees (vv. 3-20), the geographical count of the returnees (vv. 21-35), the priests (vv. 36-39), the Levites (vv. 40-42), the genealogy of the Nethinim (vv. 43-54), the genealogy of Solomon's servants (vv. 55-58), those whose clans and genealogy are unclear (vv. 59-63), and finally the grand total (vv. 64-67), and the description of many people willingly offering their gifts for the rebuilding of the temple (vv. 68-70).

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