Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible Reading

제목Day 256: Ezekiel 40-412024-09-21 12:24
작성자user icon Level 10

Day 256 Reading Schedule: Ezekiel 40-41

Ezekiel 40: Measuring the New Temple


The content from this chapter to the last chapter focuses on how the new order of Israel will be established. In line with the content of the last part of the previous chapter, which records the content of Israel’s restoration, this chapter describes the appearance of the restored temple. Ezekiel directly connects the restoration of Israel to the restoration of the temple, showing that a life centered on God is the true blessing of Israel. This chapter is composed of the first half (verses 1-4) describing the process of Ezekiel receiving a vision, the middle half (verses 5-27) recording the content of the vision of the outer court, and the second half (verses 28-49) describing the content of the vision of the inner court.  There are several interpretations of the 'temple' in this chapter, but the most reasonable interpretation is the symbolic interpretation that has been traditionally accepted within the Reformed community, which sees it as the church of the New Testament era. Considering that the church is spiritual Israel, this is highly credible. Ultimately, it can be said that the teachings of the Old Testament were spiritually or symbolically fulfilled in the New Testament. 

Ezekiel 41: Measuring the New Sanctuary 


After concluding the vision of the surroundings of the temple, this chapter focuses on the interior of the temple. This chapter consists of a description of the interior of the sanctuary (verses 1-4), a description of the walls and chambers of the Most Holy Place (verses 5-12), a description of the dimensions of the exterior of the temple (verses 13-15), and a description of the interior decoration of the temple (verses 16-26). While the references to Solomon's temple mainly focus on the process of building the temple, Ezekiel's temple is characterized by a focus on its size.  Solomon's temple has a strong meaning of the promise that Yahweh would dwell among the Israelites, but Ezekiel's temple has the intention of the ultimate restoration and encouragement of the people. As such, this chapter describes in detail the sanctuary, the holiest place, and the auxiliary buildings of the temple, and through this vision, Ezekiel intended to restore holiness to the ungodly and rebellious Israelites.

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