Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible Reading

제목Day 236: 2 Chronicles 14-172024-09-21 06:30
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Day 236 Reading Schedule: 2 Chronicles 14-17

2 Chronicles 14: The Selection and Victory of King Asa

[Content Overview]

This chapter records the reign of Asa, the third king of Judah, and continues through chapter 16. The content of this chapter is relatively detailed, as opposed to the simplicity of the book of Kings. The book is divided into two parts: the First Reformation, which took place during the first ten peaceful years of Asa's reign (vv. 1-8), and the victorious defeat of Sera the Gozite's million-man army by faith (vv. 9-15). This chapter is followed by the Second Reformation in chapter 15 and Asa's series of religious derailments in chapter 16.

2 Chronicles 15: Asa's Reformation


This chapter records the events of King Asa's entry into Jerusalem after defeating the army of Gush, calling in the reformers, and hearing the prophetic message of Azariah, which led to the Second Reformation. No other king in Israel's history has ever undertaken two such reforms, which makes Asa's actions all the more historically significant. In this sense, this chapter can be divided into two parts: first, the prophecy of Azariah (vv. 1-7), and then Asa's reforms and covenant renewal (vv. 8-19).

2 Chronicles 16: The Reality and Death of Asa


While chapters 14 and 15 have focused primarily on Asa's goodness and righteousness in the eyes of the Lord, this chapter provides a contrasting account of his behavior. A series of negative events in the latter part of his reign are recorded that show Asa's reliance on man rather than Yahweh, and his mistakes in adopting methods based on his own rational judgement. Asa used Benhadad, the king of Aram, to effectively defend against Baasha's attacks (vv. 1-6). Then the prophet Hanani appeared and rebuked him for trusting in the king of Aram rather than the LORD, but Asa was furious and persecuted Hanani (vv. 7-10). The chapter continues with Asa's death and the fact that he trusted in his councilors more than in God, even in times of sickness and danger (vv. 11-14).

2 Chronicles 17: The Good Government of Jehoshaphat


This chapter begins to describe the reign of Jehoshaphat, the fourth king of Southern Judah. It continues through chapter 20, which describes his exploits in considerable detail. Jehoshaphat was the son of Asa, one of the three great kings of Judah, and he ruled from 872-847 B.C. His reign was marked by a few missteps, but it was largely characterized by selectivity, and his religious reforms were decisive and sweeping. The account of his reign in this book first summarizes Jehoshaphat's selection (vv. 1-6), and then records his appointment of teachers of the law (vv. 7-9). It then reveals that Jehoshaphat continues to grow stronger (vv. 10-12), and then describes his army (vv. 13-19). In short, this chapter is Jehoshaphat's first reform.

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