Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible Reading

제목Day 274: Ezra 7-82024-09-30 06:20
작성자user icon Level 10

Day 274 Reading Schedule: Ezra 7-8

Ezra 7: Ezra's Return and Fulfillment


Ezra's genealogy is described, emphasizing that Ezra was a descendant of Aaron (verses 1-6). Ezra returned to Judah after a journey of about four months during the second return from captivity in the seventh year of King Artaxerxes (verses 7-10). King Artaxerxes issued a decree permitting the return of Ezra and other Jewish people from captivity and ordering financial aid (verses 11-26). Ezra thanks and praises Jehovah God for the entire process of the second return from captivity being accomplished by His grace (verses 27-38).

Ezra 8: Ezra's Return


A list of the second returnees from captivity is introduced. The number of men was 1,773, only about one-third of the number of the first return (vv. 1-14). After traveling with the people for nine days, Ezra stopped for a while and called together the Levites and the Nethinim who were to perform the temple sacrifices (vv. 15-20). After fasting and praying, he gave the priests the silver, gold, and various utensils for the temple (vv. 21-34). After returning to Judah, Ezra and his men first offered sacrifices to God (vv. 35-36).

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