Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible Reading

제목Day 283: Matthew 8-102024-10-08 22:26
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Day 283 Reading Schedule: Matthew 8-10

Matthew 8: Christ's Healing


Jesus came down from the mountain and healed a leper (verses 1-4). When Jesus entered Capernaum again, a centurion asked Jesus to heal his servant who was paralyzed. Jesus did not go to the centurion's house, but healed the centurion's servant with only a word (verses 5-13). Jesus went to Peter's house again and healed his mother-in-law of a fever and many other people's illnesses (verses 14-17). When the crowds surrounded Jesus, he wanted to cross to the other side of the lake (verses 18-22). While they were sailing in a boat, a great storm and waves came crashing down, but Jesus' words to them to be quiet calmed the storm (verses 23-27). He healed a demon-possessed man in the region of Gerasa across the lake (vv. 28-34).

Matthew 9: The Power and Love of Jesus Christ


Jesus got in a boat and crossed the Sea of ​​Galilee to his own town (v. 1). He saw people carrying a paralyzed man on a mat, and he proclaimed forgiveness of sins and healed the man (vv. 2-8). Jesus took a tax collector named Matthew as his disciple and ate with him at his house. When the Pharisees criticized him, Jesus said that the doctor was necessary for the sick (vv. 9-13). When John's disciples questioned Jesus about fasting, Jesus explained why his disciples did not fast (vv. 14-17). He also raised Jairus' daughter to life and healed a woman who had suffered from bleeding for twelve years (vv. 18-26). After that, Jesus healed two blind men, healed a mute, preached the gospel of the kingdom in the synagogue, and cured many sick people (vv. 27-38).

Matthew 10: Dispatch of the Twelve Apostles


Jesus called the twelve disciples (vv. 1-4). While sending out these twelve, he gave a long sermon, the contents of which are as follows (vv. 5-42). The first is to preach the gospel to the Jews as much as possible, the second is to use the power of healing and exorcism, the third is to abandon material greed, and the fourth is to endure to the end even if you suffer. The fifth is about general discipleship.

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