Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible Reading

제목Day 253: Ezekiel 33-352024-09-21 12:13
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Day 253 Reading Schedule: Ezekiel 33-35

Ezekiel 33: Watchman Ezekiel


This chapter is the first prophecy about the future restoration of Israel and describes the current situation of Israel with Ezekiel’s calling. This chapter is divided into the duties of the watchman (verses 1-9), the call to repentance (verses 10-20), the judgment on those who remained in the land (verses 21-29), and the people who did not act on the prophet’s words (verses 30-33). Through this chapter, we can see that despite Jehovah’s unchanging love, the rebellion of the Israelites gradually became more serious as time passed.

Ezekiel 34: Prophecy of Judgment on False Shepherds


Unlike the pessimistic content of the battlefield, this chapter describes Israel’s restoration through the good shepherd very optimistically.  Such a hopeful outlook is possible because a new leader who is recognized by God and the people has been elected after the judgment of the past leaders. Through this true leader, Israel's future will move in the right direction. This chapter is composed of the first half (verses 1-10) metaphorically describing the false leaders who do not care for the people and pursue only their own interests and the judgment against them, and the second half (verses 11-31) revealing God's active intention to establish a new kingdom of God by establishing a true leader. 

Ezekiel 35: Prophecy of Judgment on Edom 


This chapter describes God's judgment on Edom. While the previous chapter used the metaphorical technique of the 'good shepherd' to describe Israel's hopeful future, this chapter describes the historical fulfillment of Edom's judgment.  God's judgment on Edom is expressed as the desolation of the land, and it consists of a declarative statement about the desolation of the land (vv. 1-4), a prophecy of judgment on Edom's long-standing hostility (vv. 5-9), Edom's intention to possess the land of Israel (vv. 10-13), and a reference to the Edomites who will be alienated and suffer when the whole earth rejoices (vv. 14-15). Through these contents, it is clear that Edom's judgment is inevitable and, as a result, reveals the true God. Edom's fault was that they had deep-rooted hostility toward Israel and conspired with other nations to cooperate in the destruction of Israel. This was ultimately an act of opposing God, so it was natural that they would be judged. Hostility toward Israel and hostility toward God are considered to have the same meaning.

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