Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible Reading

제목Day 340:Ephesians 4-62024-12-09 13:12
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Day 340 Reading Schedule: Ephesians 4-6

Ephesians 4: New Life in Christ 


This chapter contains teachings on what role the church should play and how the saints should live in order to fulfill God's plan and purpose to unite all things in Christ. Up to this point, we have dealt with ecclesiology along with the doctrines of God's grand providence, predestination, redemption, and reconciliation, but from this chapter on, we focus on how to apply such contents to specific areas of life. In that sense, this chapter can be said to be a watershed that moves from doctrinal principles to practical application. Doctrine and practice are not separate or unrelated, but are closely connected like the cause and effect of an event. Therefore, we are absolutely required to live a practical life that corresponds to the doctrine we believe in. The contents of this chapter are composed of a life worthy of the calling (verses 1-10), unity in Christ (verses 11-16), new life in Christ (verses 17-24), and the new law of life (verses 25-32).

Ephesians 5: Holy Life of the Saints 


The contents of this chapter are Paul's specific teachings on how God's children should live in this sinful world, and he explains the Christian code of conduct mentioned in the previous chapter in a more active way. In other words, he presents Christian guidelines for love for neighbors, personal language, and marital relationships while setting the moral standards that the saints should pursue in God. Christians who have experienced Christ's sacrificial love should form a complete community by practicing true love for their neighbors. This becomes the standard for personal ethics and community ethics. The text is largely divided into two parts. In the first paragraph, Paul presents various aspects of what it means to follow God and live a life that pleases Him (verses 1-21), and in the second paragraph, the duties of family life are mentioned (verses 22-33). 

Ephesians 6: The Spiritual Battle of Christians 


In the previous chapter, Paul presented specific methods of living as a called saint. Following the latter half of the previous chapter, which deals with proper marital relationships, Paul continues to teach about family life in this chapter, and also urges the saints to prepare for spiritual battle. The saints who are united in their families and society must continue the spiritual battle until God’s will and plan are fulfilled. It is not a physical and armed battle, but a battle against Satan, who is the ruler of the world’s powers and the ruler of the darkness of the world, who interferes with God’s universal plan. The saints must win this battle until the day God’s holy will is fulfilled. The contents of this chapter are composed of the duties of children (verses 1-4), the duties of servants and masters (verses 5-9), the spiritual battle of the saints (verses 10-20), and the boiling fire (verses 21-24). Paul ends this book by urging the saints to be spiritually armed and participate in prayer in order to fulfill God's universal plan.

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