James 4 Reading Schedule: Humbly Acknowledge God's Sovereignty [Summary]
The author of the book of James sees human lust as the root of all sin. Because of lust, conflicts arise, prayers are not answered, and lust makes us friends with the world and enemies with God (verses 1-5). However, God rejoices and gives grace to those who are humble, resist the devil, repent, and cleanse their hands and hearts (verses 6-10). Next, the author of the book of James strongly urges us to abandon our attitude of criticizing others (verses 11-12). He also warns us that the life of those who have left God is uncertain, vain, and foolish, using self-confident merchants as an example (verses 13-17).
The Apostle James emphasized that the saints must deny themselves in all things and acknowledge God's sovereignty. They must abandon the lusts of the flesh, follow God's will, and act humbly in order to receive the blessings of God's presence.
James 5: Economic Justice and Prayer of Patience [Summary]
The author of the book of James sharply criticizes the evil deeds of the rich who oppress and exploit the poor (verses 1-6). He also exhorts his readers to be patient in their suffering and to have hope for the Second Coming (verses 7-11). The words of a Christian should be clear enough not to need an oath (verse 12). Finally, he mentions the power of prayer. He exhorts those who are suffering to pray and those who are joyful to praise. He also exhorts Christians to ask the elders of the church to pray for the sick, and by reminding them of the miracle that Elijah’s prayer brought about, he declares that the prayer of faith is powerful (verses 13-18). He concludes by highly praising those who help those who have been deceived and left the truth to turn from their wrong path (verses 19-20). The apostle, who testified that those who have accumulated wealth through dishonest means will be judged by God, taught that the saints must live patiently in pursuit of justice while only hoping for the second coming of Christ. To this end, they must pray to God during suffering, experience grace, and lead brothers who have turned away from the truth to the truth.
1 Peter 1 Letter: to the Scattered Saints [Summary]
The author first greets the saints and then praises God and proclaims the blessing of the gospel. The hope of future salvation enables them to endure present suffering and trials. And this suffering refines their faith like gold so that they can firmly hold on to future salvation (verses 1-12). Saints who live in faith and hope should not pursue personal desires but should live holy lives (verses 13-16). Based on the fact that God judges people not by their appearance but by the fruit of their lives and that Christ died on the cross and was resurrected for the sins of mankind, saints should strive to live holy lives (verses 17-21). Saved saints should have a heart of passionate love for one another (verses 22-25). This chapter is the first part of the letter that the Apostle Peter sent to the scattered saints, and it contains content encouraging them to wisely overcome the trials of faith that will come in the future. However, Peter's advice can be said to be a guideline for life that applies not only to the saints of that time, but also to Christians living in this era.