Day 24 Reading Schedule : Leviticus 16-20 Leviticus 16: Regulations for the Day of Atonement [Overview] Leviticus was written for the purpose of reconciliation between the Israelites and God through sacrifices. Therefore, this chapter, which deals with the regulations for the Day of Atonement, which is held once a year, can be said to be the core of the entire book of Leviticus. The high priest must purify himself and offer a sin offering in order to enter the sanctuary on the Day of Atonement (verses 1-14), and must also offer a sin offering for the people (verses 15-22). In addition, after the atonement ceremony, he must perform another purification ceremony for himself and the people (verses 23-28), and it is emphasized that this regulation must be observed from generation to generation (verses 29-34). This chapter is a record of the Day of Atonement. The Day of Atonement is the day when the high priest enters the Most Holy Place once a year to atone for the sins of the entire congregation of Israel. If the sin offering was a sacrifice offered to forgive personal sins, the Day of Atonement sacrifice was a national sacrifice presided over by the high priest. This chapter mentions the regulations for the Day of Atonement, a day of special atonement for the sins of the entire congregation of Israel.
Leviticus 17: Rules on Blood [Overview] Following the first half of the book, which deals with various sacrificial systems and purification rules, this chapter discusses general behavioral standards that the people must observe. This chapter specifically talks about the rules to be observed when slaughtering animals for food. When slaughtering animals for food, you must first offer them as an offering to God (verses 1-7). Meanwhile, when Gentiles offer sacrifices, you must offer them at the tabernacle (verses 8-9). Also, when eating animals for food, you must never eat them with their blood (verses 10-16). This is because blood symbolizes life. Starting with Leviticus 17, the latter half of Leviticus presents specific behavioral standards that the people of Israel must observe. In particular, this chapter presents various rules regarding blood. The first half of the book covers the rules to be observed when slaughtering animals for food, and the latter half contains taboo regulations that prohibit eating blood.
Leviticus 18: Prohibition of Sexual Immorality [Summary] This chapter is about sexual morality. Since sexual morality was in disarray in the ancient Near East at the time, the regulations on sexual morality were treated as the most important among various moral laws. Therefore, God first strictly commanded that they not follow the customs of the Gentiles (verses 1-5). Then, he gave a strict prohibition on incest (verses 6-18), and strictly prohibited adultery with married women and bestiality with animals (verses 19-23). Since these moral laws were important signs that revealed the holiness of the chosen people in Gentile society and displayed the glory of God, those who violated sexual morality were cut off from the people (verses 24-30). Up to Leviticus 17, ceremonial laws were introduced as a model, but from this chapter on, moral and ethical regulations are introduced. Among them, this chapter mainly deals with the issue of sexual morality. The first thing that comes to mind when discussing sexuality is that sexual depravity means the breakdown of all ethics.
Leviticus 19: The Laws of the Holy People [Summary] It mentions the general social norms that the covenant people, Israel, must keep. First, the rules that must be kept in the relationship with God are presented (verses 1-8), and then, as moral norms within the community, such as consideration for foreigners and the poor, and fairness in judgment are mentioned (verses 9-18). Finally, the rules regarding sexual relations, idolatry, and fair trade are presented (verses 19-37). In particular, this chapter emphasizes the two moral axes that maintain the community by simultaneously dealing with the vertical norms for God and the horizontal norms for humans. Leviticus 19 clarifies the general rules of life that the covenant people, Israel, must keep. These include the rules regarding sacrifices, moral obligations, fair judgments and trade, protection for the weak and foreigners, and rules regarding sexual morality. These rules serve to guide you in learning what principles to follow in other matters not mentioned here.
Leviticus 20: Punishment for Disobedience [Overview] This chapter specifically mentions crimes that are punishable by death among various sins. Those who worship idols such as Moloch are cut off from the people (verses 1-5), and those who practice witchcraft or sorcery, and those who are unfilial to their parents are also punished by death (verses 6-9). In addition, those who commit adultery with another person's wife, bestiality, or incest are publicly executed (verses 10-21). Such sins are punishable by death because they result in denying faith in God and destroying the unity of the community. Finally, it tells us not to follow the customs of foreigners and to stay away from unclean things and be pure (verses 22-27). This chapter talks about the regulations for punishment in case of violation of the laws already mentioned in chapters 18 and 19. The main content is a warning to beware of abominable sins such as idolatry, magic, and incest, and furthermore, it specifically mentions God's punishment for those who commit these warnings. This is not simply a punishment, but an expression of God's mercy toward mankind and His active will to save them.