Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible Reading

제목Day 30 : Numbers 19-232025-01-31 22:09
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Day 30 Reading Schedule : Numbers 19-23

Numbers 19: The Lye for Purification 


This chapter mentions the purification rules for those who have become unclean by touching a dead body. This is because many people died in the series of incidents such as the spies incident and the Korah incident. God told Moses and Aaron how to make ashes for the purification ceremony (verses 1-10). Anyone who has become unclean by touching a dead body must be sprinkled with this lye to be purified (verses 11-19). If they do not, they will be cut off from the assembly of God (verses 20-22).

This chapter teaches how those who have become unclean can become clean and how to make the water of purification to purify those who have become unclean. The reason God commanded the Israelites to make the water of purification and also thoroughly commanded them to maintain purity was because the only goal of life that the chosen people should pursue in their daily lives was 'purity.'

Numbers 20: The Water Incident at the Rock of Meribah 


This chapter deals with the rebellion of Israel that is constantly repeated throughout history and the deaths of the leaders Miriam and Aaron. This is to show God’s providence that continues the history of redemption despite the changes in human history. After Miriam’s death, the Israelites again complained against God and Moses because they had no water to drink (vv. 1-9). Moses, enraged at the people’s rebellion, lost his temper and was prevented from entering the land of Canaan (vv. 10-13). Meanwhile, the king of Edom refused to allow Israel to pass to Canaan (vv. 14-21), and during this time, Aaron died and his son Eleazarchi succeeded to the position of high priest (vv. 22-29).

As a result of disobeying and disobeying God’s will, Israel, which had been wandering around Kadesh Barnea for 38 years, now reached the territory of Edom. The text here mentions the significant events that occurred before Israel entered Canaan: the death of Moses' sister Miriam and Moses' brother Aaron, the two top leaders of Israel, and the failure of Moses to enter Canaan.

Numbers 21: The Incident of the Fiery Serpent and the Bronze Serpent 


This chapter deals with the full-scale conquest of Canaan by Israel. On the other hand, the inclusion of the incident of the bronze serpent, which was judged because of their complaints, is intended to show that their conquest of Canaan was entirely by God’s grace. After conquering Aram, Israel complained to God because the road to Canaan was difficult, and was judged by the fiery serpent. However, God opened the way of salvation through the bronze serpent at this time as well (verses 1-9). After that, the Israelites continued to march to Mount Pisgah (verses 10-20), conquered the Amorites (verses 21-30), and conquered Bashan (verses 31-35).

The text introduces a magnificent scene of Israel defeating the Amorites and Moab, the last obstacles before entering Canaan. Therefore, the text shows a series of events that occurred in the latter half of Israel’s 40-year wandering in the wilderness. Here, we can see God's amazing power and mysterious providence in helping His chosen people to triumphantly complete their journey through the wilderness.

Numbers 22: Balak's Invitation to Balaam 


This chapter deals with the incident in which Balak, the king of Moab, attempted to destroy Israel through a scheme. When Israel arrived at the Moabite camp, Balak, the king of Moab, invited the foreign diviner Balaam to curse Israel (verses 1-6). Balaam initially refused because God did not allow it, but he coveted the offering and forced God's permission to go to Balak (verses 7-20). However, along the way, God rebuked Balaam's greed through a donkey and commanded him to speak only the words He gave him (verses 21-41).

From this chapter to chapter 25, there is a scene in which Israel was tested one last time before crossing the Jordan on the plains of Moab and failed greatly. Israel, who relaxed before the Jordan, unexpectedly fell into the temptation of fornication and committed a sin, receiving great judgment. The text begins with a scene where the Moabite king Balak invites the foreign magician Balak to destroy Israel.

Numbers 23: Balaam's oracle 


This chapter records Balaam's oracle about Israel after many twists and turns, arriving at Balak. Balaam built seven altars and waited for the oracle of curses, but instead God blessed Israel through Balaam (verses 1-12). Balak moved to another place and built another altar, but this time God told Balaam to bless Israel (verses 13-26). Balak did not give up and moved to another place and built a third altar (verses 27-30). This chapter shows the grace of God, who protects and blesses His people to the end despite the curses of foreign nations.

Balak, who invited Balaam from the battlefield, now begins to build an altar in earnest to curse Israel. The text mentions Balaam building an altar three times while moving to another place and cursing Israel. However, all three of these prophecies were not curses but blessings for Israel. In this way, God changed the curse of his chosen people into a blessing, even through the lips of a foreign sorcerer.

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