Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible Reading

제목Day 241: 2 Chronicles 32-332024-09-21 11:28
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Day 214 Reading Schedule: 2 Chronicles 32-33

2 Chronicles 32: Hezekiah's Victory and Glory

[Contents Overview]

This chapter is an account of the victories and glory enjoyed by Hezekiah, along with his wise response to the invasion of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, and the riches and glory he enjoyed. It is an allusion to the impact of his religious reforms on the military and political situation of the time. Hezekiah's effective defenses against Sennacherib's invasion (vv. 1-8), Hezekiah's prayer and God's deliverance from the threats and appeasement of Sennacherib and his vassals (vv. 9-23), and Hezekiah's pride, repentance, and death (vv. 24-33).

2 Chronicles 33: Manasseh and Amon

[Contents Overview]

In contrast to the previous chapter, which recounts the exploits of the good king Hezekiah, this chapter records the wickedness of two evil kings, Manasseh and Amon. First, it is recorded that Manasseh, unlike Hezekiah, rebelled against God and indulged in idolatry and wickedness (vv. 1-9). Then, when he was chastised by God and taken to Babylon to suffer tribulation, he humbled himself and repented (vv. 10-13). As a result of his repentance, Manasseh implemented a religious reformation that destroyed idols and restored the faith of Jehovah (vv. 14-17). In other words, Manasseh's faithfulness is described (vv. 18-20). Meanwhile, Amon, who succeeded Manasseh as king, sinned against God by doing evil and was rebelled against and killed, just as Manasseh had done in his early days (vv. 21-25).

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