Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible Reading

제목Day 279: Nehemiah 11-132024-10-04 22:18
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Day 279 Reading Schedule: Nehemiah 11~13

Nehemiah 11: Those living in Jerusalem and the towns


At that time, there were too few residents in Jerusalem, so it was necessary to increase the population. Since the perimeter of the walls of Jerusalem was quite wide, an adequate number of people had to reside there for defense in times of emergency. Therefore, those who volunteered and those who were chosen by lot came to reside in Jerusalem (verses 1-2). A list of representative people among the residents of Jerusalem is introduced, focusing on the tribes of Judah and Benjamin and the Levites (verses 3-24). Next, a list of people living in other major residential areas other than Jerusalem is also introduced (verses 25-36).

Nehemiah 12: List of those who returned and the dedication of the temple


After the population resettlement project in Jerusalem was completed, they now attempted to reorganize the religious system. The genealogy of the priests and Levites was investigated, and first, the list of the priests and Levites who returned with Zerubbabel for the first time was recorded (verses 1-11), and then the list of the priests and Levites at the time of Joiakim, son of Jeshua, was recorded (verses 12-26). After this, the dedication ceremony for the city walls was finally held. Many people gathered in Jerusalem, praising with musical instruments, marching along the city walls, and rejoicing in their hearts (verses 27-43). Then, the tithe system and other things were established to secure the livelihood of the priests and Levites (verses 44-47). 

Nehemiah 13: Nehemiah's Return and Reform


This chapter records the reform movement centered on Nehemiah. Nehemiah recited the Book of the Law of Moses and drove out the Moabites and Ammonites (verses 1-3). Nehemiah belatedly learned of the crime of Eliashib the priest, who had consorted with Tobiah the Ammonite and had him live in a room in the temple, and he expelled Tobiah (vv. 4-9). When the people did not pay their tithes in full, the priests and Levites also left the temple to make a living, but Nehemiah called them back and urged the people to pay their tithes thoroughly (vv. 10-14). He also made efforts to keep the Sabbath holy (vv. 15-22), and he rebuked the people for marrying foreigners and urged them to repent (vv. 23-31).

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