Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible Reading

제목Day 289: Matthew 26-282024-10-14 22:08
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Day 289 Reading Schedule: Matthew 26-28 

Matthew 26: The Last Supper


Jesus foretold His suffering to His disciples, and the chief priests and elders plotted to arrest and kill Him (verses 1-5). While Jesus was at Simon’s house, a woman broke an alabaster jar of perfume and poured it on Jesus’ head (verses 6-13). At that time, Judas Iscariot joined the plot to betray Jesus (verses 14-16). Jesus wanted to celebrate Passover with His disciples. He implicitly gave Judas another chance to repent. Then, He gave him the Eucharist with bread and wine (verses 17-29). Jesus prophesied that after His suffering, His disciples would scatter and Peter would deny Him three times (verses 30-35). After that, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane and prayed, sweating blood (vv. 36-46). Finally, Jesus was arrested due to Judas Iscariot's report (vv. 47-56). Jesus was interrogated at the house of Caiaphas (vv. 57-66). When Peter came to see Jesus' interrogation and was caught, he was shocked and denied Jesus three times before weeping bitterly (vv. 67-75). 

Matthew 27: The Passion of Jesus Christ


The chief priests and elders hand Jesus over to Pilate (vv. 1-2). Judas Iscariot felt guilty for betraying Jesus and committed suicide (vv. 3-10). Pilate questioned Jesus in various ways, but found no particular charges. However, when the crowd shouted to crucify Jesus, he was afraid of a riot and handed Jesus over to be crucified as they demanded (vv. 11-26). The Roman soldiers dressed Jesus in a purple robe, placed a crown of thorns on Him, and mocked Him (vv. 27-31). Finally, they went to Golgotha ​​and were crucified, and many people mocked Him (vv. 32-44). About the ninth hour, Jesus died. At that time, the veil of the temple was torn apart, the tombs were opened, and the bodies of many saints arose (vv. 45-56). At night, a man named Joseph of Arimathea came and asked for Jesus' body, which he placed in a tomb. The chief priests and the Pharisees were concerned about the prediction of a resurrection in three days, so they decided to guard the tomb to prevent the disciples from stealing the body (vv. 57-66). 

Matthew 28: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ


On the first day of the week, early in the morning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to Jesus' tomb. An angel appeared and told them the news of the Lord's resurrection. The women quickly left the tomb and went to the disciples. On the way, the resurrected Lord appeared to the women and told them that he was going to Galilee and asked them to tell his disciples to go to Galilee (vv. 1-10). When the news of the resurrection was spread by the women, the Jewish kingdom bribed soldiers to spread a false rumor that the disciples had stolen Jesus' body (vv. 11-15). When the eleven disciples reached Galilee, they met Jesus. Jesus commanded them to preach and promised to be with them until the end of the age (vv. 16-20).

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