Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible Reading

제목Day 359 : 1 John 4-5, 2 John 12024-12-27 03:55
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Day 359 Reading Schedule: 1 John 4-5,

 2 John 1

1 John 4: God is love
[Content Overview]
When false teachings are in full swing, a sure touchstone of truth is needed. One of these touchstones is the attitude of acknowledging and believing the Incarnation of Christ as true. Anyone who denies this has the spirit of the Antichrist(verses 1-6). Since God is love, Christians must also have this kind of love in their hearts. The best example of God's love appears in the event of Christ being sent as a peace offering for our sins. This sublime love is a Christian example(7-12). Christians confessed their faith in Jesus and experienced God’s love. Now Christians must also be perfect in love. Perfected love will defeat fear. And brotherly love is a powerful touchstone for God's love(13-21).
On the battlefield, Apostle John emphasized the practice of love. Now, in this chapter, John is talking about the need to test spirits and the actions of God, who is love, and the saints who love Him. He mentioned that anyone born of God can prove it through his love.

1 John 5: Lessons about truth
[Content Overview]
Keeping God's commandments of love is not a heavy burden. It is obedience that comes from joy. The duty of obedience to this new commandment can be victorious when connected with faith(1-5). Those who testify of Jesus Christ are three, the Holy Spirit, water, and seed. Anyone who does not believe this testimony makes God a liar(versvers )6-12<TAG1>. At the conclusion of this letter, the author speaks many words of confidence to show his strong confidence in God. The author's purpose is to enable readers to know and possess eternal life. We know that God hears and answers our prayers, so we must pray for those who still have hope. We know that because God protects the regenerated, the regenerated do not fall into the habit of sinning. We know that we belong to God, and we know that Jesus is the true God and eternal life. Finally, we conclude a letter warning of idolatry(13-21).

Starting with Chapter 3, the lesson about becoming a child of God ends in this chapter. This chapter deals with the third topic of becoming a child of God, truth. In this chapter, Apostle John reveals that God's commandments must be kept by his children and that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He also advised us to pray for our brothers and stay away from idols.


2 John 1: Boundary for the Antichrist
[Content Overview]
The author implicitly reveals the theme of this letter by using the word truth three times from the greeting. The triple blessing of grace, peace, and mercy is based on truth and love(verses 1-3). We do not use love as a new commandment, but emphasize that it is what we have from the beginning(4-6). I command you not to be deceived by the teachings of false teachers. Their false teaching was to deny the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Rather than being deceived by these false teachings, we must stand firm on the words of Christian truth that we have already learned through self-examination. And we must not welcome those who teach false teachings(7-11). Finally, the author talks about his plan to meet readers face to face and gives greetings(12-13).
Apostle John expressed joy in the saints' actions in the truth and emphasized that they should fulfill their duties as saints by keeping the commandment of Christ's love. He was also wary of heresies that distorted the words of truth testified to by the apostles, and encouraged them to stand firm only in the words of truth and keep their faith.

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