Day 1 Reading Schedule: Revelation 17 Vision of the Harlot
[Summary] John saw a harlot dressed in purple and red, adorned with all kinds of jewels, and riding a red beast. The harlot was drunk with the blood of the saints (verses 1-6). The angel taught John the secret of the harlot and the beast she rode. The secret is as follows. The seven heads of the beast are seven kings: five have fallen in the past, one is a king who currently exists, and one is a king who will be in the future. The beast will also become an eighth king. The ten horns of the beast are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom. They allied with the beast and fought against the Lamb. However, the Lamb destroyed them, and the saints also gained victory together with the Lamb (verses 7-14). The angel also told John that the ten horns and the beast would hate the harlot and destroy her (verses 15-18). Chapter 18 and chapter 18 describe the destruction of Babylon, represented as a prostitute, before the second coming of Jesus. This chapter reveals the prostitute Babylon and the judgment upon her. Here, we can see the schemes of Satan working in the world and his elaborate plans. In particular, this chapter will reveal the religious conspiracy of the prostitute Babylon.
Revelation 18: Prophecy of the Destruction of Babylon
[Summary] An angel from heaven foretells the destruction of Babylon. He declares that the great city of Babylon will be destroyed because of her fornication. Another angel advises God's people to leave Babylon and declares that Babylon will receive a judgment that is proportional to her actions (verses 1-8). When Babylon was destroyed by God's wrathful judgment, the kings of the earth wept, the merchants of the earth wept, and the ship captains and passengers wept. However, their weeping was all because of the sorrow of no longer enjoying their wealth and glory (verses 9-20). A powerful angel declares that Babylon will be completely destroyed through the symbolic action of throwing a large millstone into the sea. He also declares that the sound of music, all industries, and daily life will be completely destroyed (verses 21-24). This chapter also prophesies the destruction of Babylon, following the previous chapter. The previous chapter ends with the relationship between Babylon and the ten kings under its control and the ultimate destruction of the prostitute. This chapter also deals with the destruction of Babylon, but describes the process of its destruction in detail. In particular, while the previous chapter focused on Babylon’s religious sins, this chapter focuses more on Babylon’s commercial sins, isn’t it also characteristic?
Revelation 19: Jesus Christ Who Triumphed
[Summary] A loud voice was heard from heaven, praising God's judgment of Babylon (verses 1-5). Now the wedding feast of the Lamb begins. The saints worship the Lord, dressed in bright and clean fine linen (verses 6-10). And the one riding on the white horse strikes all the nations, rules with an iron scepter, and executes God's judgment. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords (verses 11-16). An angel proclaims the destruction of the beast's power. And the beast and the kings of the earth wage war against the one riding on the white horse, but the beast and the false prophet were captured and thrown alive into the lake of fire and brimstone, and the rest died (verses 17-21). The long and tedious Great Tribulation, which was described with the destruction of the great whore Babylon, has finally come to an end, and the Second Coming of Christ for the final judgment is imminent. This chapter describes the glorious Second Coming of Christ. God's righteous wrath against the nations of the world has reached its climax.
Revelation 20: Vision of the Millennial Kingdom and the Final Judgment
[Overview] The angel binds the dragon and throws him into the abyss, preventing him from coming out for a thousand years (verses 1-3). The souls of the martyrs and those who have kept the purity of faith will reign with Christ for a thousand years (verses 4-6). After a thousand years, Satan is released from prison and there is a war between Gog and Magog. However, Satan is defeated and thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone (verses 7-10). After that, the Great White Throne Judgment takes place, and the dead are judged according to their deeds according to what was written in the books (verses 11-15). Following the judgment of the beast and the whore Babylon, who were Satan's minions, the judgment of Satan and his followers appears in this chapter. After that, the blessings of the Millennial Kingdom are given to the saints. This chapter then deals with the final judgment of all mankind. Here the long struggle between faith and unbelief, good and evil, comes to an end, and only the two contrasting rewards of eternal life and eternal punishment remain. |