Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible Reading

제목Day 16: Exodus 16-202025-01-17 15:31
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Day 16 Reading Schedule: Exodus 16-20

Exodus 16: Manna and Quail in the Wilderness 


The Israelites, liberated from Egypt, began to march to enter the Promised Land. This chapter describes the events that occurred during their journey to Canaan. After crossing the Red Sea and arriving at the Sin wilderness, the Israelites complained about Moses and God again when they had little food (verses 1-10). Then God sent down quail and manna to feed the people (verses 11-31) and instructed Moses to store the manna in a jar as a testimony to God’s guidance for future generations (verses 32-36). The manna incident in this chapter testifies to God’s grace, which takes care of and protects all of His people.


The Israelites set out from the Shur wilderness and arrive at the Sin wilderness. In the Sin wilderness, the Israelites starve because they have nothing to eat. Again, we can see that God’s eyes are on the Israelites. This is God’s eyes of testing. However, the Israelites fail God's test and complain against Moses. Nevertheless, God, who is patient, provides for them with mercy.

Exodus 17: Water from the Rock and the War with Amalek 


The Israelites experienced countless miracles and grace from God since Egypt, but when they encountered minor hardships, they began to blame God again. This chapter clearly shows the cunning and foolishness of the Israelites. The Israelites, who left the wilderness of Sin and camped at Rephidim, again blamed Moses when they had no water to drink. However, even at this time, God was patient and brought water from the rock through Moses. God showed His love to the Israelites who easily forgot His grace, and who continued to blame Moses, the leader appointed by God, even though they witnessed the power of the Almighty with their own eyes, and ultimately distrusted God’s plan of salvation (verses 1-7). At that time, a battle broke out between the Gamalek army and Israel. Moses took Aaron and Hur and went up the mountain and lifted his hands toward heaven. God saw this and defeated the Amalekites and gave them victory. They built an altar at Rephidim and called it Jehovah Nissi in remembrance of the Lord who had given them victory (vv. 8-16). The contrasting images of the disobedient and resentful people and the leaders who obeyed God and moved forward in faith are contrasted in this chapter.


This chapter shows God’s providence over His people. One is through water and the other is in the battle with Amalek. The Israelites seem to encounter difficult obstacles every time they move forward. When they arrive at Rephidim, they have no water to drink. The people again complain against Moses. Then the war with Amalek begins. It’s worse than ever. However, God leads Israel to victory in this war as well.

Exodus 18: Jethro Visits Moses 


After being freed from slavery in Egypt, Israel gradually formed into a national community. This chapter records the scene where Moses established the first administrative organization to run the Israelite community, triggered by Jethro’s visit. Moses’ father-in-law Jethro came to visit Moses after the Exodus with Moses’ wife and children. The wife and children belatedly appeared to Moses, who had been called by God to be a messenger and was living an official life (verses 1-12). The next day, seeing Moses handling the people’s lawsuits alone, he recommended that he select a talented person among the people and have him take charge of administrative work in Moses’ place. Moses followed Jethro’s advice and appointed a person to take charge of the administration according to each position (verses 13-27).


When the Israelites were staying near Mount Sinai, Moses’ father-in-law Jethro came to visit Moses with Moses’ wife and two sons. After hearing from Moses about what God had done for the Egyptians, Jethro praised God and offered sacrifices to God. The next day, Jethro, who saw Moses' judgment, humbly advised Moses to appoint a talented person to share the work, and Moses accepted.

Exodus 19: Jehovah Descends on Mount Sinai 


The link between the people of Israel and God was the covenant. This chapter records the event in which the covenant that began with Abraham was finally expanded to the community of Israel, and God made a covenant directly with Israel. When Israel reached Mount Sinai, God called Moses to the mountain and gave him a covenant that he would make Israel God’s people. This formal covenant had been mentioned since the time of Abraham, and it was reaffirmed in the situation of the Israelites who had left Egypt (verses 1-13). In order to receive the covenant that they would be God’s people, Moses had the people sanctify their clothing and prepare with a devout heart. This was because they had to have a sanctification ritual worthy of the people before the holy God, and they had to have purity of mind as well as body (verses 14-25).


This chapter opens a completely new era in Exodus. The people of Israel arrived in the wilderness of Sinai exactly three months after leaving Egypt. Mount Sinai is also the setting for the rest of the Exodus chapters and for the Leviticus and Numbers. On this mountain, Moses receives the law and many of the rules of worship that the redeemed people are to observe. The preparations for receiving this are prominent in this chapter.

Exodus 20: The Ten Commandments 


The center of the lives of the Israelites is the law, and among them, the Ten Commandments are the core that contains the spirit of the law. This chapter records the content of God giving the Ten Commandments and the impressions of the people regarding them. The first four commandments of the Ten Commandments are laws regarding the relationship with God (verses 1-11), and the remaining six commandments are laws regarding the relationship between people who maintain the community (verses 12-17). In addition, God gave various commandments based on the Ten Commandments. The first of these is the regulations regarding sacrifices to God (verses 22-26).


The Ten Commandments of Moses were spoken directly by God and form a decisive element in the covenant relationship. It can also be seen that they are distinct from any other commandments. Therefore, the form of the Ten Commandments reminds us that God demands absolute and unconditional obedience from us. The Ten Commandments contain God’s personality and specify what He demands.

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