Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible Reading

제목Day 17: Exodus 21-252025-01-18 23:39
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Day 17 Reading Schedule: : Exodus 21-25

Exodus 21: Civil and Criminal Laws 


This chapter records the general laws that govern the communal life of the Israelites. First, the regulations on slavery appear (verses 1-11), and crimes punishable by death are specified (verses 12-17). It also shows regulations on cases of killing or injuring a person through negligence (verses 18-36). These laws are similar to the laws of the ancient Near East, but they are different in that they were established by God and that they show respect for human life and the idea of ​​equality.

The Law of Moses was similar to the laws of surrounding nations in many ways, but it was essentially different. The Code of Hammurabi, the most well-known of these codes, is no different from the other codes. However, what makes the Law of Moses different from the other codes is its emphasis on love for humanity. It is no coincidence that the commandments on slavery come after the important revelations and commandments on worship.

Exodus 22: Laws on Theft and Adultery 


Following the previous chapter that deals with the regulations on negligent injury, this chapter discusses regulations on compensation for damages and moral norms to be observed in society. First, it shows regulations on compensation for damages for intentional crimes such as theft and for negligence that is not intentional (verses 1-15). In addition, it provides strict punishment for sexual crimes, idolatry, and usury that occur in the community, and also avoids social responsibility for marginalized groups such as orphans and widows (verses 16-31). As can be seen from the above, the regulations in this chapter are aimed at harmony and peace in the community rather than punishment for crimes.

In Exodus 20:1-20, God gave the law in outline. This chapter continues to explain the law in detail. It applies the principles of the law through everyday life. The laws governing property rights, morals, and rules of worship are detailed.

Exodus 23: Laws on Judgment and Feasts 


This chapter is the last part of the general rules listed in Exodus 20-22, so it was written as a conclusion. Therefore, it mainly deals with social justice and religious regulations that the entire community must observe. Regulations on social justice, such as prohibition of false testimony and unfair trials, are presented (verses 1-13), and regulations on the feasts that the Israelites must observe are mentioned (verses 14-19). Finally, after entering the land of Canaan, it commands them not to imitate their culture but to maintain the purity of their faith (verses 20-33). The regulations presented in this chapter show that the ultimate purpose of the law is to distinguish the Israelites from the world and protect them so that they can maintain the purity of their faith.

The people chosen by God are those who have been called to be distinct people. A distinct life is not passive but more active. It is a life that pursues justice without being bound by fear or favoritism. That is why the man of God must show such complete honesty. Also, as we see in this chapter, we can see that the feasts of Israel are connected with the harvest and historical events.

Exodus 24: God and Israel Make a Covenant 


God, who had given the law to the Israelites through Moses, now wanted to make a formal covenant with the Israelites. This chapter records the formal covenant between God and the Israelites. Moses and the Israelites built an altar at the foot of the mountain, offered a peace offering, and swore to follow the law (verses 1-8). Then God appeared to the elders of Israel and said that He would give Moses stone tablets on which He had personally engraved the law and commandments. These stone tablets contained the minimum rules that God’s people and God had to keep (verses 9-12). After that, God called Moses aside and Moses spent forty days and nights with God on the mountain. The one called by God was buried in the glory of God on the mountain and spent time with God (verses 13-18).

The text well depicts the scene of the solemn ratification of the covenant. All of these elements, including writing down the contents of the covenant, reading it to the people, and having them accept it without hesitation, and sprinkling blood on the altar and the people, testify to how solemn the situation was.

Exodus 25: The Sanctuary and the Sacred Objects 


In history, the most important thing to the Israelites, the covenant community, was the temple. This is because the temple was a spiritual pillar symbolizing God’s presence and protection. From this chapter on, the story of the tabernacle, which became the prototype of the temple, is recorded. God told Moses to bring offerings to build the tabernacle. This sanctuary, which would become the origin of the temple, could become the center of the Israelites who would become a religious nation, so they had to show their sincerity with offerings (verses 1-9). Then, He instructed Moses on how to make the utensils used in the tabernacle. First, He explained in detail the model of the Ark of the Covenant (verses 10-22), and then He explained in detail the model of the table on which the bread of the Presence was placed (verses 23-30) and the lampstand to be placed there (verses 31-40). As shown in this chapter, the fact that God explained even each item in detail shows the importance of the tabernacle.

God commanded the construction of the tabernacle because He wanted to dwell among His people. God not only received worship through the tabernacle, but also wanted to continually remind us of the precious truth that He was among the Israelites. He also talks about the specific construction method of this tabernacle and makes us think about the deep meaning of the tabernacle.

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