Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible Reading

제목Day 239: 2 Chronicles 26-282024-09-21 11:21
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Day 239 Reading Schedule: 2 Chronicles 26-28

2 Chronicles 26: Uzziah's Rigidity and Pride

[Contents Overview]

This chapter describes the reign of Uzziah, who ascended to the throne following the death of Amaziah, the previous king, who was judged by God and killed for forsaking the Lord. His reign can be divided into two periods: the first half, when he prospered because of his faithfulness to God, and the second half, when he became arrogant because of his excessive economic and national prosperity and was judged by God. First, Uzziah's lineage is described (vv. 1-5), and then Uzziah's hardening (vv. 6-10). Uzziah's army is described (vv. 11-15), followed by Uzziah's pride and leprosy (vv. 16-20), and finally the rest of Uzziah's life (vv. 21-23). Uzziah's human desire was to create a priestly nation based solely on economic prosperity, but the kingdom of God is not established by human means, but by God's ways.

2 Chronicles 27: Jotham, a Man of Justice

[Contents Overview]

This chapter recounts the ministry of Jotham, who ascended the throne after Uzziah, who met a disastrous end when he became arrogant and usurped the priestly role. Jotham's reign is described more briefly than the reigns of the other ten kings mentioned in 1 Chronicles, highlighting only the features of his rule. Jotham's exploits include his reign (vv. 1-2), his building projects (vv. 3-4), his strength (vv. 5-6), and the remnants of his house (vv. 7-9). The mention of Jotham's good deeds, especially his building projects and his victories over the Ammonites and the tribute he received, provides a sharp contrast to the evil deeds of Ahaz that follow. Jotham reigned in place of his father, Uzziah, who had become a leper, and in doing so he did not in the least slight or despise his father, nor was he proud before God, but only imitated his father's good deeds and favored him; but his one fault was that he sought outward prosperity at the expense of inward security; and though he acted honestly in the sight of Jehovah, he could do nothing against the growing wickedness of the people.

2 Chronicles 28: The Crimes of King Ahaz


This chapter records the actions of King Ahaz, who did nothing but evil. It records Ahaz's enthronement and idolatry (vv. 1-4), God's discipline through the kings of Aram and Israel (vv. 5-7), and Israel's return of the captives of Judah after hearing Oded's prophecy (vv. 8-15). Then Ahaz's error in vainly trusting in the king of Assyria (vv. 16-21), his unbelief in serving the gods of Aram in his time of need (vv. 22-25), and Ahaz's end (vv. 26-27). The fall of a national leader has disastrous consequences, not only for himself but also for his people. Ahaz had an attitude of unbelief, worshipping idols and relying on human power, and Judah suffered unspeakable hardship and trouble as a result of God's wrath and being delivered into the hands of the heathen. In this way, when a nation's leaders, especially its political and religious leaders, are corrupted, the entire nation suffers.

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