Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible Reading

제목Day 268: Zechariah 1-62024-09-27 08:29
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Day 268 Reading Schedule: Zechariah 1-6 

Zechariah 1: Call to Repentance and Vision of Salvation


God's word comes to Zechariah and calls on the people of Israel to repent. Zechariah advises that the people who will return from Babylon will not be punished again as their ancestors did because they have not yet purified their repentance (verses 1-6). Zechariah then sees eight visions from God, the first of which appears in this chapter. After seeing the vision of the horsemen, God explains to Zechariah that they are messengers sent to the land and that they will bring peace to the land through them (verses 7-11). The angels of the Lord pray before the Lord God for Jerusalem, and God answers this prayer and promises the restoration of the city of Jerusalem (verses 12-17). After that, he sees the second vision of the four horns and four farms.  These horns are known to be the horns that scattered Judah (vv. 18-21).

Zechariah 2: Restoration of the Glory of Jerusalem


Zechariah is given a third vision. It is a revelation from the one holding the measuring line, which shows that Jerusalem will be prosperous (vv. 1-2). Then, by explaining the vision, he presents a prediction of the restoration of Jerusalem and its safety and honor (vv. 3-5). The interpretation is to admonish the Jews who were still in Babylon, to urge them and hasten their return to their homeland (vv. 6-9). He also interprets the vision to comfort those who returned and to inform them of the many difficulties and hardships they will have to endure (vv. 10-12). And he prophesies that the spiritual Israel, that is, those who believe in the gospel, will gather together with God's people in each country and greatly develop the movement of the kingdom of heaven to all who serve God with patience, without defining or limiting God (v. 13).

Zechariah 3: High Priest Joshua and the Vision 


The vision of the battlefield gave assurance of the power and restoration of the Jewish people, and the promise was fulfilled in Christ. Now this chapter also deals with the church and its power, and assures us that it will be transformed into a wonderful form again. The vision related to Joshua is mentioned. He is the representative of the church in his time. He is accused by Satan, but is rescued by Christ (vv. 1-2). He also appears in dirty clothes, but these are changed into beautiful clothes by the command of Jehovah (vv. 3-5). And he gives assurance that if he conducts himself well, his office will be firmly established (vv. 6-7). Meanwhile, a prophecy related to Christ, called the 'branch', appears. He will be empowered to complete whatever he undertakes, and he will lead it to victory, so that we may enjoy forgiveness and peace (vv. 8-10). 

Zechariah 4: The Vision of the Golden Lampstand and the Olive Trees


In this chapter, we see another comforting vision, which, as explained to the prophet, contains much encouragement for God’s people in their present distress. Their present suffering is so great that they have considered their case hopeless, thinking that their temple could not be rebuilt and their city could not be restored. Therefore, the content of the vision shows that God will do the work by His own power. The prophet Zechariah wakes up to see the vision (v. 1). The content is that the seven lamps of the candlestick, which are supplied with oil and burn continuously, are directly supplied with oil from the two olive trees growing on either side (vv. 2-3). Also, the assurance and proof that the good work will be done if it is given to the builders of the temple are shown (vv. 4-14).

Zechariah 5: The Vision of the Scroll and a Woman


In this chapter, we see two visions. God's prophets are not only ambassadors of peace, but also heralds of proclamation against those who rejoice in war and continue to rebel. Therefore, God deals harshly with some who are wicked, vulgar, and averse to reformation in this age of reformation. Although God is showing kindness to the nations and bestowing His blessings, they and their families will nevertheless be under a curse, as the prophet sees in the flying scroll (vv. 1-4). If the nations now become corrupt and wicked, they will fall and perish with hasty destruction under the weight of God's wrath, symbolized by the lead pieces on the ephah's auricula and carried on wings that are unknown to us (vv. 5-11).

Zechariah 6: The Vision of the Four Chariots and the Prophecy of the Building of the Temple


In this chapter, Zechariah sees a vision of four chariots.  God, the King of the nations, governing the world through the ministry of angels is revealed in the vision of the four chariots (vv. 1-8). God, the King of the saints, governing the church through the mediation of Christ is revealed in the crowned high priest Joshua and in the rites he performs, and is explained in reference to Christ (vv. 9-15).

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