Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible Reading

제목Day 285: Matthew 14-162024-10-10 22:09
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Day 285 Reading Schedule: Matthew 14-16

Matthew 14: The Death of John the Baptist


When Herod the tetrarch heard the rumor about Jesus, he was afraid that John the Baptist had come back to life. This was because Herod had killed John the Baptist due to Herodias' plot (verses 1-12). When Jesus got into a boat and went to a deserted place, a large crowd followed him. Jesus took pity on the crowd, taught them with his words, and healed the sick. When evening came, it was mealtime, but there was nothing to eat. Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, blessed them, and fed the five thousand (verses 13-21). After that, he sent his disciples on board the boat ahead. When the boat was rocked by the storm, Jesus walked on the water (verses 22-33). When they reached Gennesaret, many people brought their sick to Jesus and were healed (verses 34-36).

Matthew 15: Jesus Christ in Controversy


When the Pharisees and scribes protested to Jesus about the fact that his disciples had violated the tradition of the elders by eating without washing their hands, Jesus emphasized the importance of a person’s heart (vv. 1-11). When the disciples asked him to explain this further, Jesus told the parable of the blind leading the blind and emphasized the importance of the heart once more (vv. 12-20). When Jesus entered the region of Tyre and Sidon, a Canaanite woman begged the Lord to heal her demon-possessed daughter. Jesus initially refused, but after hearing the Canaanite woman’s wise answer, he praised her faith and healed her daughter (vv. 21-28). Jesus healed many people on the shore of the Sea of ​​Galilee and fed a crowd of four thousand people with seven loaves and two fish (vv. 29-39).

Matthew 16: The Disciple's Confession of Faith


When the Sadducees and Pharisees asked for a sign, Jesus said that no sign would be given except the sign of Jonah (vv. 1-4). Then, when they crossed the lake, he instructed the disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees (vv. 5-12). In the region of Caesarea Philippi, Jesus heard Peter's confession and gave him the keys to the kingdom of heaven (vv. 13-20). Then, he finally taught him in detail about his Messianic ministry, that is, his suffering and resurrection. However, when Peter misunderstood Jesus' words and interfered with his Messianic ministry, he firmly rebuked him, telling him to go away, Satan. He then commanded those who truly wanted to follow Jesus to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow him (vv. 21-28).

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