Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible Reading

제목Day 286: Matthew 17-202024-10-12 23:28
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Day 286 Reading Schedule: Matthew 17-20

Matthew 17: Lessons on Faith


Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up a high mountain. There, he is transfigured in glory and talks with Moses and Elijah (verses 1-8). As he comes down the mountain, he teaches that Elijah, prophesied in the Old Testament, is John the Baptist (verses 9-13). When he comes down the mountain, he sees that his disciples cannot heal a child with epilepsy, rebukes them for their lack of faith, and heals the child. When the disciples ask why they could not heal him, Jesus answers that it is because of their lack of faith (verses 14-21). At this time, Jesus again foretells the suffering of the Messiah (verses 22-23). ​​When they arrive in Capernaum and the issue of the temple tax arises, Jesus pays it (verses 24-27).

Matthew 18: Lessons on Conflict and Forgiveness


When Jesus' disciples argued over who would be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, Jesus answered that the one who humbles himself like a child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. He then strongly declared that we should not cause such childlike people to stumble and that God loves them like a lost sheep (verses 1-14). He also commanded that if a brother sinned, he should admonish him three times and if that did not work, he should be excommunicated. He also gave teachings on prayer (verses 15-20). When Peter asked about forgiveness for his brother, Jesus told him to forgive him seventy times seven times and told the parable of the man who owed ten thousand talents (verses 21-35).

Matthew 19: Lessons on Divorce and the Rich


Jesus left Galilee and went to the territory of Judea across the Jordan River. He saw a large crowd following him and healed their sick (vv. 1-2). When the Pharisees questioned him about marriage and divorce, Jesus answered with a solemn declaration that what God has joined together, man cannot separate (vv. 3-12). Jesus also accepted children and laid his hands on them (vv. 13-15). A man came to Jesus and asked about eternal life. Jesus knew what he lacked and told him to sell all he had and follow him. The man went away sad (vv. 16-22). After this, Jesus taught his disciples that it would be difficult for the rich to enter the kingdom of God (vv. 23-30).

Matthew 20: The Passion of Jesus Christ


Jesus teaches us through the parable of the vineyard that in matters of eternal life, the last will be first and the first will be last (verses 1-16). As Jesus goes up to Jerusalem, he again foretells the Passion to the twelve disciples (verses 17-19). The mother of Zebedee's sons comes to Jesus and asks that her sons be seated on his right and left in his kingdom. However, Jesus rebukes them for not knowing what she is asking for. The other ten disciples are indignant when they hear this news. Then Jesus calls the disciples and teaches them the importance of service (verses 20-28). As they leave Jericho, two blind men hear about Jesus and earnestly ask him to heal them, and he heals their eyes (verses 29-34).

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