Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible Reading

제목Day 287: Matthew 21-232024-10-13 00:01
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Day 287: Reading Schedule: Matthew 21-23 

Matthew 21: Jesus Christ's Entry into Jerusalem
When Jesus approached Jerusalem, he rode on a donkey that he had prepared and entered the city. The crowds cheered, "Hosanna to the Son of David" (verses 1-11). Jesus entered the temple and drove out those who were buying and selling. He healed the blind and the lame. The chief priests and scribes were indignant at Jesus' actions and the crowds' praise of "Hosanna to the Son of David" (verses 12-17). Early in the morning, Jesus entered the city and saw that the fig tree had no fruit, so he cursed it, saying that it would never bear fruit (verses 18-22). Jesus entered the temple and argued with the chief priests and elders about many things and told them parables (verses 23-46).

Matthew 22: Teachings on the Wedding Feast and the Great Commandment
Jesus told the parable of the wedding feast (vv. 1-14). The Pharisees, in an attempt to trap Jesus in his speech, joined forces with the Herodians to bring up the issue of taxes, and the Sadducees also tried to test Jesus on the issue of the resurrection. However, when Jesus answered with great wisdom, the crowd was greatly astonished (vv. 15-33). When a lawyer heard this rumor and asked Jesus about the greatest commandment, Jesus said that loving God and loving one’s neighbor were the two great commandments of the Law and the Prophets (vv. 34-40). Now, when Jesus asked the Pharisees about Psalm 110:1, no one could answer (vv. 41-46).

Matthew 23: Teachings on False Belief
Jesus instructed the crowd and his disciples to become servants (vv. 1-12).  And he spoke seven woes on the scribes and Pharisees who were hypocrites (vv. 13-36). Jesus mourned for Jerusalem because the end times had come. He was deeply saddened by the fact that Jerusalem's children were rejected when he tried to gather them together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings (vv. 37-39).

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