Day 309 Reading Schedule: John 7~8 John 7: Controversy over Jesus [Summary] When the Feast of Tabernacles came, Jesus moved his ministry from the safe place of Galilee to Jerusalem. Because of this, he was directly threatened by his enemies. There was a clear reason for Jesus to visit Jerusalem, even though he was fully aware of the Jews’ murderous intent. From this time (the Feast of Tabernacles) until Passover, when Jesus would be crucified, there was only about half a year left. Therefore, during this short period, Jesus had to proclaim as much spiritual truth as possible in Jerusalem, the religious center of the Jews. This chapter is composed of the brothers who do not believe in Jesus (verses 1-9), the Jewish people's disagreement (verses 10-13), Jesus teaching in the temple (verses 14-18), the judgment of justice (verses 19-24), the relationship between the Father and Christ (verses 25-30), the arrest warrant (verses 31-36), the river of living water (verses 37-44), and the Jewish leaders' disbelief (verses 45-53).
John 8: Christ, the Truth that Sets You Free [Summary] In the previous chapter, Jesus was harshly criticized by many Jews in Jerusalem for declaring himself to be equal to God, and eventually received an arrest warrant from the Sanhedrin. Nevertheless, in this chapter, Jesus still did not leave Jerusalem, but worked hard to reveal himself more clearly. The story of the adulteress recorded in this chapter is part of the ongoing plot of the Jewish leaders, dramatically suggesting an atmosphere of tension and conflict. This incident clearly shows that Jesus values people more than the law, unlike the Jewish leaders who valued the law over people. Jesus also reveals himself as light. This chapter is composed of the part where Jesus uses his supernatural wisdom to defeat the Jewish leaders' attack through the adulterous woman (verses 1-11), the part where he strengthens the light (verses 12-20), the part where Jesus reveals to the Jews who he is (verses 21-30), and the part where he speaks about the truth that will save them from darkness (verses 31-59).