Day 300 Reading Schedul: Luke 9-10
Luke 9: The Ministry of Christ [Overview] Jesus gave the twelve disciples the power of prophecy and exorcism and sent them out to do missionary work (vv. 1-6). Herod saw the miracles Jesus performed and wanted to know who Jesus was (vv. 7-9). After the apostles returned from their missionary journey, Jesus, the apostles, and a large crowd gathered in the wilderness, where the famous incident of the five loaves and two fish occurred (vv. 10-17). After that, when Jesus was with the disciples, after hearing Peter’s confession of faith that He is the Christ, He taught them about His Messianic ministry (vv. 18-27). About eight days later, Jesus went up to the Mount of Transfiguration and, in a glorious transfiguration, spoke with Moses and Elijah about the end times (vv. 28-36). After coming down from the mountain and seeing that the disciples were unable to heal a demon-possessed child, Jesus rebuked them for their lack of faith and then healed the child (vv. 37-42). Later, Jesus again taught the disciples about the ministry of the Messiah (vv. 43-45). He taught them humility when he saw them arguing about who was the greatest (vv. 46-48), and finally, when the time came, he went up to Jerusalem (vv. 49-62).
Luke 10: Blessed Life [Summary] Jesus sent out seventy disciples in pairs to each village and place for the missionary work (vv. 1-16). After the missionary work, the seventy reported that they had amazing healing and exorcisms, and Jesus gladly accepted the report (vv. 17-24). A lawyer asked Jesus about eternal life with the intention of testing him, but Jesus instead asked the lawyer a question and taught that love for God and love for neighbors are the core of the law. Then the lawyer asked again who his neighbor was, and Jesus answered by telling the story of the Samaritan (vv. 25-36). Later, when he was staying at Mary and Martha’s house, he reminded them of the importance of listening to the word (vv. 37-42). |