Day 305 Reading Schedule: Luke 21~22 Luke 21: Predicting the End [Summary] Jesus praised the poor widow's offering of two small coins (vv. 1-4). When people praised the temple, Jesus prophesied the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem (vv. 5-9) and spoke of various signs that would occur in the end times (vv. 10-28). He then told the parable of the fig tree to teach that the kingdom of God is near through the signs of the end times (vv. 29-33), and on the other hand, he taught the saints to self-restrain, pray, and stay awake as the end times approach (vv. 34-38).
Luke 22: The Last Supper and Passion [Summary] As Passover approached, the chief priests and scribes plotted to kill Jesus (vv. 1-2). Satan enters Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve disciples, and tries to betray Jesus (vv. 3-6). When the Passover came, Jesus gathered his disciples in the upper room and held the Last Supper. They broke bread together and bought wine (vv. 7-23). Knowing that there was a dispute among the disciples over who was the greatest, the Lord taught them that the one who serves is the greatest (vv. 24-30), and then foretold Peter’s denial (vv. 31-34). Then, he told the disciples who were now facing a time of persecution to take their purses, bags, and swords (vv. 35-38). Jesus went to the Mount of Olives as was his custom, and prayed, sweating blood, about the issue of his messianic suffering (vv. 39-46). Then Judas Iscariot came with the chief priests and the scribes and arrested Jesus (vv. 47-53). Jesus was taken to the high priest's house for questioning, and Peter, who was watching, denied Jesus three times and then realized his mistake and wept bitterly (verses 54-62). Afterwards, when Jesus was taken to the Sanhedrin, he clearly declared that he was the Messiah (verses 63-71).